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 The End of Kasstrat, the story

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Posts : 66
Join date : 2009-05-16
Location : In anime land~

The End of Kasstrat, the story Empty
PostSubject: The End of Kasstrat, the story   The End of Kasstrat, the story Icon_minitimeSat May 23, 2009 11:12 am

ok, i have decided i will make my own version of the RPG but in a story format. if i dont update often, dont worry, i have been known to slack off (sorta) anyway, ill post the story in indigo/purple/watever and any comments/constructive criticism is welcome~
actually, it will just look.... DIFFERENT

Last edited by pokeyeth on Sun May 24, 2009 5:42 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Join date : 2009-05-16
Location : In anime land~

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PostSubject: Re: The End of Kasstrat, the story   The End of Kasstrat, the story Icon_minitimeSat May 23, 2009 11:29 am

Here's the intro~ not chapter 1 yet....

Kasstrat is a peaceful, lonely planet floating in its own orbit in space. The planet is protected by some “Kasstratians” that refer to themselves and many others as “Knights of Creation”. They possessed god-like powers which allowed them to summon any kind of weapon of their choice but, it took up a lot of their energy.

The year is currently 100935, the demon lord Sallakar and a group of elite demons (referred to many people as the “shadows”) are desperately trying to take control of the planet Kasstrat. The demons each have their own personal weapon that was made of “darkness” that would either take out the target’s life force or turn them into a demon.
There was also one “last” race trying to take over Kasstrat, human beings that powers also come from “darkness”, calling themselves “Destroyers”. They had no permanent alliance with the Knights or demons but sometimes there would be a very short truce.

A typical day in the life of a Knight of Creation (or KOC for short) wouldn’t be very much after their initial starting training. The climate in Kasstrat and weather didn’t change very often, a bright azure sky would always be prominent and as night falls, the sky turned from blue to orange and finally to black. They don’t usually get assigned any “missions” but, in times of desperation or extreme boredom they often went out to exterminate demons.
Though it appears this isn’t an ordinary day as Neon, a 13 year old KOC, Dawn, a young 10 year old KOC, Dusk, also a 13 year old KOC, Sorrae, an 11 year old KOC and Roxas, a 16 year old KOC prepare for an all-out mission, sending so many KOCs is a rare sight to see.
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Posts : 66
Join date : 2009-05-16
Location : In anime land~

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PostSubject: Re: The End of Kasstrat, the story   The End of Kasstrat, the story Icon_minitimeSun May 24, 2009 5:58 pm

chapter 1 is now up! err.... it'd be nice if someone commented....
ah well.... er... well yah thats 'bout it!~

It was a normal day in Kasstrat, the sky was clear, very little clouds occupied it and birds were chirping a very melodious tune, sorry, actually, alarm clocks all around the neighborhood went off. But other than the stupid chorus of alarm clocks, the surroundings were beautiful, trees, flowers, grass and other sorts of plants whose names are still yet to be established adorned the regular-sized houses, each and everyone one of them.
Suddenly, a group of fairly young people come rushing by, ignoring all complaints thrown at them for not protecting their loved ones… from demons of course. And for this reason, they were KOCs, on a mission, and all five of them were ready with full strength visible on them.
They walked by the residential area and straight to a building dedicated for KOCs. A portal was already at disposal and they all stepped through the whirling image pf a trapezoid, yes a trapezoid, not a circle, orange and misty.

When they stepped out of it, it was like a desert, not many things were visible but a mixture of blue grass, sand and a few rocks that slowly disappeared from the scenery after a while. Once they had reached a crossroad, they took a break.
40 minutes had already passed and the group had started to talk idly. Little did they notice, black figures had started to move towards them, all ready to strike. They had the group in their reach yet… they had been spotted. Neon quickly kicked a demon that he sensed behind him, BOOM! Neon took out his weapon, a red and black scythe with very miniscule and fine embossing of dragons.

“Hey guys, wake up!” exclaimed the battle-ready Neon.

“Oh yah, I’m ready now, sorry ‘bout that.” Dawn replied, carefully scanning her surroundings and pulling her navy blue sword out.

More demons had already approached the group, stepping out of their protective shadows.

“Aarghh!” screamed Neon, trying to slice a demon in half, wildly hacking at it.

Everyone else in the group was finishing off the weaker demons. FOOSH! The high-level demon Neon was fighting was cut in half and started to disintegrate, leaving ashes of dull blue flying around in the hot desert air.
After a while, all the demos had all disintegrated and blown away in the sky but the shadows still stood there, as if waiting for something else to happen. The group took yet another break, tired and slightly weary after their long fight. The shadows though, grouped around, closer, as if they had caught their prey. The KOCs, oblivious to the moving shadows, were drinking water and were about to leave until a sword reappeared in Dawn’s hand, without her will.

hehe... im not very good at cliffhangers but this'll have to do Razz
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