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 The end of Kasstrat STORY (story information goes here!)

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The RPG master
The RPG master

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The end of Kasstrat STORY (story information goes here!) Empty
PostSubject: The end of Kasstrat STORY (story information goes here!)   The end of Kasstrat STORY (story information goes here!) Icon_minitimeSun May 17, 2009 9:41 am

Kasstrat was a peaceful, lonely planet floating in It's own orbit in space. The planet itself was protected by holy kasstratians referring themselves as the "knights of creation." they possessed god like powers which allowed them to summon any kind of weapon at their own will. It took up much energy though. In the year 100935, the demon lord Sallakar and a group of elite demons referred by everyone as the "shadows" tried to take control of the once beautiful planet. Each demon had some sort of weapon that seemed to be made out of darkness that could rip out any human's life force and kill them or worse, transform them into a demon. There was also an other race trying to conquer kasstrat. They had no alliance with the Knights nor the demons. They called themselves the destructors. They were feared by many but no more than anyone feared the demons.

whose side will you choose? The god like Knights of creation, the bloodthirsty demons or the aggressive destructors?

Short forms:
Hp- health points
Mp- magic points
Koc- Knights of creation
atk- attack
ambsh- ambush
spd- speed
crtcl- critical hit
flgt- flight
Def- defence

Choose your race:
Knights of creation: highest in MP, flight, speed and critical
demons: best in ambush and HP
destructors: all around but best at attack.

Your level is decided by your exp points. if you have 100 exp, you're lv1, if you have 50 exp you're level 1. If you have 150, you're level 1. If you have 200 exp, you're level 2, get it??

Character sheet:
Background Story-
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Location : In anime land~

The end of Kasstrat STORY (story information goes here!) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The end of Kasstrat STORY (story information goes here!)   The end of Kasstrat STORY (story information goes here!) Icon_minitimeMon May 18, 2009 11:21 am

okay, i think there should be skills you can acquire once you have enough exp or are high enough level. If you think this is a good idea, tell me one way or another and ill start working on the list.
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Location : In the shadows.....

The end of Kasstrat STORY (story information goes here!) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The end of Kasstrat STORY (story information goes here!)   The end of Kasstrat STORY (story information goes here!) Icon_minitimeMon May 18, 2009 11:36 am

Yeah, I semi-agree with pokeyeth. But, with the EXP. stuff that you get powers that, seems a bit to long, and hard to do. The agree part is the power stuff. Since we have MP. Like, I would like to have these two powers. Thunder, and fire. Or, we have powers to us that seems right for US. Like, I have shadow powers, you Neon would have wind powers (since you have wings) and you pokeyeth, I'm not sure. I think that kind of powers idea is a good one.
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The end of Kasstrat STORY (story information goes here!) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The end of Kasstrat STORY (story information goes here!)   The end of Kasstrat STORY (story information goes here!) Icon_minitimeTue May 19, 2009 6:58 pm

Felix42 wrote:
Yeah, I semi-agree with pokeyeth. But, with the EXP. stuff that you get powers that, seems a bit to long, and hard to do. The agree part is the power stuff. Since we have MP. Like, I would like to have these two powers. Thunder, and fire. Or, we have powers to us that seems right for US. Like, I have shadow powers, you Neon would have wind powers (since you have wings) and you pokeyeth, I'm not sure. I think that kind of powers idea is a good one.

I dont completely agree but instead of skills you can probably gain things like defence attack ect. and if you are a koc then you have wings
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Posts : 66
Join date : 2009-05-16
Location : In anime land~

The end of Kasstrat STORY (story information goes here!) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The end of Kasstrat STORY (story information goes here!)   The end of Kasstrat STORY (story information goes here!) Icon_minitimeSun May 24, 2009 7:34 pm

err.... "mr rpg", we ALREADY have those skills
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The end of Kasstrat STORY (story information goes here!) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The end of Kasstrat STORY (story information goes here!)   The end of Kasstrat STORY (story information goes here!) Icon_minitimeSun May 24, 2009 9:49 pm

pokeyeth wrote:
err.... "mr rpg", we ALREADY have those skills

You can make them better thought but whatever
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The end of Kasstrat STORY (story information goes here!) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The end of Kasstrat STORY (story information goes here!)   The end of Kasstrat STORY (story information goes here!) Icon_minitime

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